One of my goals on my list of 101 Life Goals is to do a random act of kindness every week for a year. I keep sticking with it for a while, and then a week rolls around and I forget to do something, and then I have to start all over again. It’s like a factory going back to “Zero Days Without An Accident,” except it’s fine because it just means I’ll do more good deeds and nice things.
I made random acts of kindness a goal because I think the world could use more love and positivity. To be honest, it’s a totally selfish goal. I truly believe that what goes around, comes around. Besides, doing something nice is the most reliable way I know of to get in a good mood. It’s amazing to realize that we have the power to make someone’s day, or even make the world a better place.
Some of the things I’ve done have involved money: buying boxes of breakfast cereal for the community food pantry along with my grocery shopping, for instance, or buying a stranger an item off her Amazon wish list. (When I do that one, I always make sure it’s something the person has added within the last few days.)
Some random acts of kindness are free, though. Here are a few ideas! I’ve done a few of them already. I know that some of these are things that not everyone can do, but who knows… maybe one of them will inspire somebody.
Donate blood.
This is not only a fantastic thing to do, but also about the only time that medical professionals will urge you to eat cookies.
Check in with someone who lost a loved one weeks or months ago.
Grieving can be a long process, and it might mean a lot to someone to have you say, “Hey, I’m still thinking about you.”
Write a letter or email to an author telling them how much you enjoyed their work.
If you love to read, this is a fun one. And if you’re a writer yourself, you know how this could make somebody’s day! Along the same lines…
Call or email a company telling them how much you liked their product or service.
Customer service is a tough gig, and there so many people out there only speak up when they have a complaint. You could also give a business a positive Yelp review! A lot of Yelp reviewers sound like the grouchiest, hardest-to-please people imaginable, so you’d be restoring some balance.
I don’t have kids, and I can’t imagine how people who do ever get anything done. Give a parent a break! Or for an over-the-top act of kindness, pet-sit for somebody for the weekend.
Put in a good word for a co-worker or someone you’ve done business with.
If someone’s done a great job, tell their manager. If you know someone’s work well, you can even write them a recommendation on LinkedIn.
Make encouraging comments on 10 people’s social media posts.
Tell them they look great in their new profile pic, you hope they feel better, their dog is cute, that sandwich looks delicious, that’s a really interesting think piece they just shared, or they’re awesome for running a 5K.
Compliment 5 people in “real life” in one day.
It’s okay if it’s a little out of the blue. Tell your brother he’s a great dad. Tell a stranger you like her outfit. If you’ve got something nice to say, say it.
Volunteer at a food bank.
I always like volunteer opportunities where I feel like I’m actually doing useful work, you know? Some food banks just need people to sort donations of food, which sounds both simple and necessary.
Volunteer at an animal shelter.
The chances of this one making your day are outstanding.
If you have any ideas for random acts of kindness, I’d love to hear about them… I always learn so much from the comments. And thanks for reading… it’s very kind of you!
I like your post – such a great idea. Even just smiling and talking to the person at the supermarket checkout often gets an appreciative smile. So many people who do service jobs almost become part of the wallpaper, invisible to the people they’re serving (unless they have something nice to say).
Also, do you think your child’s teacher or kindy teacher or childcare worker or sports coach (etc!) does a good job – tell them. Even better, tell their boss too! Sometimes we assume that not complaining is the same as praising – it’s not. People in caring and teaching roles are often underpaid and overworked, a little appreciation can make their day.
Thanks Bryn!
That’s a really good point about service jobs, Zara! It’s easy for us (and I mean me) to be in our own bubble.
“Sometimes we assume that not complaining is the same as praising – it’s not.” — Yes! Thanks so much for commenting!
If I ever get a good camera/lens again, I’d like to do free wedding photos for couples who are getting married at the courthouse. It would cost me nothing but my time, and I could email them the file of pix to print out themselves.
Oh my gosh — that is such a nice idea! I love it! 😀
All wonderful ideas! Thanks, Byrn!
Thanks Becky! Hope you have a great week!
I agree with Zara. I am so encouraged when a random person just smiles at me!
And Bryn, you have such a beautiful smile how can you help but share it?
Take Care
Ahhh Pat, you made my day! And I agree — just a smile from a stranger can make such a difference!
Hey Bryn! really wonderful suggestions..I don’t know if you’re aware but check out this website http://www.kindspring.org/smilecards/ A dear friend of mine had this entire pack of smile cards, each with a particular good deed or as you so aptly put it,”random acts of kindness”, whichever card you pick that is the job you’re assigned and once you have accomplished the task you pass on the card to the next person you meet.:) For eg. I pulled a card where I had to make paper bags and distribute them among the neighbourhood, that’s a great way of helping people, saving the environment, keeping yourself occupied and put those creative skills to work!
Oh and definitely add more cheer!
Hi Niyamat! Ahh, that’s very cool, I had never seen those smile cards before! I love it!
Hi. Ms. Donovan!
Happy New Year! I am a newcomer to your site and I am so happy that I unintentionally stumbled upon it! I have yet to read more than just this article but I am looking forward to getting more in depth with all of your writing(s). I love this article simply because expressing kindness and having manners are two of the top most important characteristics I feel that everyone on earth should have and use every day. Each one of us should learn how to use and show their manners/ kindness to everyone, (even (( well even more so to me,) when the recipient just doesn’t seem like they have been taught the same lessons.)
In my very strong opinion on this subject, there is absolutely no, and I truly mean no one reason at all, that anyone can not be respectful enough to use their manners and be kind to everyone they come in contact with in.
** And the reason I know everyone can do this no matter their situation, ethnicity, age, financial status, and so on is simply because manners and kindness are absolutely and one hundred percent free of charge and cost a person literally nothing. Those characteristics are so important, you can literally change someone’s entire day simply because you said “thank you” or “I like your shirt.” It’s a great feeling to me when I can make another human smile and add even just a little bit of positivity and happiness to their day.**
Finally… thanks again for touching on this subject, and thank you so kindly for sharing with all of us! May you be well and have many blessings!
Hi Kadie! It’s wonderful to hear from you and I love your post and your attitude! You are so right…kind words cost nothing, and everyone has the power of turning someone else’s day right around. Thank you for taking the time to post! I hope you have an amazing 2022!