20 Minute Writing Prompts #show don't tell

Hey there! Welcome to another writing prompt designed to incorporate into your WIP… though if you just do it as a creative exercise, that’s great too!

You don’t have to keep this to twenty minutes. I’m just saying I think you can do it in twenty, and squeeze it right into your lunch hour or bus ride. Set an alarm on your phone (or just look at your watch) and see how it goes!

Follow This Blog For Quick Weekly Writing Prompts Designed to Help Your Work in Progress. #writingtips #creative writing #show don't tell

As I wrote in my post about incorporating action with dialogue, we often learn more about characters from what they do than what they say. But for many of us, coming up with action can be more challenging than writing dialogue.

In this writing prompt, you’ll write a few sentences or even a paragraph or two describing how one character demonstrates an affinity for another character… without saying a word. This could be in the context of a friendship, a romance, or it could even show love between family members, now that I think about it.

There are so many ways to do this. She could help him with something, or do something for him. He could bring her or give her something. She could take action to keep her friend out of trouble, or to make sure other people see her friend’s skills or successes. He could act in a protective way, or do something in hopes of impressing her.

It could be something huge, like taking a bullet for the other person. It could be something small, like remembering how she takes her coffee.

Your characters might already be friends or lovers. On the other hand, they might be forging an early connection. Either way works.

If you feel like it, share what you did in the comments section (and hey, in twenty minutes, it doesn’t have to be perfect!) Or just let us know how it goes. Hope you have a great week, and happy writing!


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