Mr. Donovan and I usually spend the holiday break in Phoenix, where his parents and many of his siblings live. This year, after Christmas, we headed up into the mountains of Flagstaff, AZ with a few of his siblings and their kids, so that the kids could go sledding.
Unfortunately, northern Arizona didn’t get as much snow as predicted. We drove to a sledding area some distance from town.
The place was overrun by families. Cars were slipping and getting stuck along the side of the road. The three porta-potties had overflowed. Adults and kids careened in criss-crossing paths down the hill, courting disaster. Mr. Donovan and I didn’t stay long, which was my fault: I kept falling on my butt because I was sliding around in treadless sequined UGGs, and I really needed to pee.
I was thinking, Man, I don’t know if this is worth it.
But it was. The kids wound up having a wonderful time. My sister-in-law posted pictures of them on Facebook later, grinning and laughing. It was just exactly the kind of day that they’ll remember fondly later.
If they had stayed home and watched TV, that would have been fine, and certainly more convenient. And it would have been a forgotten day.
It’s easy to think about “seizing the day” in grand terms. Taking a vacation to Europe! Going to a lavish party!
It more often comes down to making the decision to do something fun even though you’re busy, even though it’s inconvenient, or even though it’s kind of a pain in the ass.
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to take a photo on Instagram every day. I am guessing that because I can only take so many selfies and photos of my dogs, adorable as we are, this goal will push Mr. Donovan and I to get out of the house and have more fun. (My goal of having an amazing weekend… every weekend… is designed to do the same thing.)
I have to laugh when people talk about how taking pictures supposedly keeps people from enjoying the moment. The pleasure of taking pictures can get me to show up to those moments in the first place.
It’s already working. For instance: on Saturday, we had a guy coming out to look at our broken water heater. We could have decided that we didn’t have enough time to do anything fun before he showed up.
Instead, we squeezed in a trip downtown to the beautiful Kansas City public library. We took pictures of each other in front of the parking lot facade that looks like a bookshelf. We browsed and found some books, and I was relieved to learn I didn’t have any fines for once.
You might be thinking: Seriously, you were excited about a trip to the library? That’s pathetic. But I love going to the library, and it was the difference between a fun Saturday and a dull one. I believe that little decisions like that, every day, can really add up. Most of life’s magic has to exist right alongside the friction and the hassle.
For me, it’s very easy to avoid actually doing things. Pretty much all of my friends live in my computer, after all. I love writing, reading, messing around on Pinterest, and other things that don’t require getting up off the couch. I can always make the excuse that I want to get more work done. But I know that real-life experiences make life so much richer in the end.
Yes! Christmas Eve dawned foggy and wet. We’d planned on going for a hike, and I spent a few minutes second-guessing doing so. But we went anyway, and had a fabulous time. Granted, the views over the water were non-existent, but we talked to a raven, found interesting fungi, and spent time together as a family. Big win all around.
That is just what I’m talking about, Luanna 🙂 Even a day that seems less-than-ideal can lead to new discoveries and great memories. What a cool thing to do together on Christmas Eve!
This is exactly the mindset I try to put myself in when I’m doing something I don’t want to do! It’ll be worth it in the end, that’s what I always say. I’d rather be out making memories than sitting on my couch watching reruns of cartoons. It’s just the motivation to go out that makes it difficult to do that lol but it’s good to have someone else to go on adventures with! I guess I’ll just hold out for my future husband haha
It’s so true! I especially have trouble when it comes to social things — I’m a lot more shy in real life than behind the keyboard, haha. But I’m almost always glad I got out there.
Hey, the future husband could show up any day 😉
You and I must think a lot alike. On Christmas Morning, we all headed to Lion Safari … it is a drive thru zoo West of West Palm Beach, FL … spent the day with the munchkins having a blast … my daughter wanted to catnap a lion. Fortunately, she didn’t manage to accomplish that.
Hahaha I never heard “catnap” used like that before! 🙂 What a great idea for Christmas!
😉 Hope 2016 is your best year, yet!
your whole day sounded like an adventure! It is fascinating to see how a water heater does so much from where it sits, libraries are ALWAYS a place of magic (probably why I will be sad when my stint on the board finally ends), and the only time taking photos is awful is during someone else’s wedding when you are not the paid/friend photographer! I don’t get out much, but when I do there is so much to see everywhere! (yeah, I was a scout leader for most of my marriage!) The way branches bend on the trees when the birds land on them, the tiny buds hiding under the snow, gosh…sorry, starting to sound like Pollyanna here! laugh! I even get a kick out of old Acme cartoons–love hearing my twenty something kid belly laugh at the road runner!
Kris, you are giving me inspiration for my Instagram! My photo-a-day challenge is already feeling like just that… a challenge… but you’re reminding me that sometimes I just need to look closer. 🙂
even the soap bubbles in the sink are elusive magic. They, however, like most magical things, don’t photograph well with my camera. And yes, I’ve tried!
I love the attitude but for me a fun Weekend is not going out!
Hahaha, well to each his own 🙂 Thanks for reading!
You should see Flagstaff now! The snow is crazy deep. They even closed the schools.
I’m way behind in my reading but I’m glad I stopped to read this. It made me realize that seizing the day can be anything from taking the opportunity to bundle under the blankets and listen to the rain fall (like today) or hiking Camelback mountain. I look forward to seeing the pictures you take.
Wishing you the best for 2016!
Hey, thanks for reading. I’m jealous of Flagstaff! Oh, I’m sure it’s a pain… but I do love the snow. 🙂 But I miss other parts of Arizona, too!
Happy 2016, Diana! Hope it’s a fabulous year for you.
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