Hi friends! Welcome to my final post about using zodiac signs to create fictional characters. Whether you believe in astrology or not, it’s a fun way for writers to think about character development.
I promised I would finish up this series before the end of the year. In before the lock!
Let’s take a look at Pisces, the sign of two fish swimming in different directions.
Here are some good qualities of a Pisces:
And here are some not-so-good qualities:
prone to depression
As a friend…
A Pisces is a kind, caring friend who always knows when something’s wrong. He’s good at empathizing with others’ problems. Unfortunately, he might be so good at it that he seeks out friends with big problems, which can lead to him feeling drained or used.
As a lover…
A Pisces has that je ne sais quoi that attracts others to her. She’s devoted and a true romantic! Her accepting attitude may lead her to make some poor choices, and her emotional nature may make her partner sometimes feel like they have to walk on eggshells.
As a parent…
A Pisces may take naturally to parenthood. He’ll give his kids unconditional love, and he’ll have no problem escaping with them into stories and games of make-believe. However, he may not be that great at teaching kids to deal with adversity.
As a villian…
A Pisces antagonist may have an exaggerated sense of her own victimhood, which leads her to retaliate. Alternately, she may hurt others in her quest for martyrdom.
Here are a few examples of characters who seem to fit the empathetic, intuitive, and possibly irresolute Pisces profile! (Note that I don’t take into account when fictional characters were supposedly born… this is all about personality traits.)
Charles Xavier, the X-Men movies.
Ann Perkins, Parks and Recreation.
Phyllis Smith, The Office.
Willow Rosenberg, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I wish I could think of more examples of male characters from pop culture, because Goddess knows I find empathetic, intuitive men really appealing.
Do you have any thoughts about Pisces? Let me know in the comments. Happy writing!
ETA: Bookmark this post for links to every post in the series!
Bryn, I think you really have something with this zodiac angle for building a quick character profile. I probably know a lot of Pisces, but am only certain of the birthday of two individuals – I do not call them friends, since both seem to embody the negative traits you listed. When I have the misfortune to be around lazy, self-pitying people who suffer from depression, I am the one who turns into an escapist, so have never noticed if they are also empathetic. However, the two I am thinking of seem too self-centered to think of anything other than themselves.
“I am the one who turns into an escapist” …that cracked me up. I know just what you mean here. I am the same way!
Some things just are NOT worth time and energy.
Mick St. John from the TV show “Moonlight” strikes me as a Pisces. If you haven’t seen that series, I think you’d actually really like it! It’s very short, but has a good sense of closure at the end and they cover a *lot* of ground for such a small number of episodes.
I always determine the archetype and the zodiac sign for my main characters (and most of the secondary ones and villains as well). Next time we get a chance to chat, I’ll tell you about my alternate way of interpreting the signs of the zodiac 🙂
Thanks for writing up this great series of articles!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything about “Moonlight,” and I bet I would like it! I would loove to hear more about your thoughts on this 🙂
I loved that series ❤️
Okay Bryn, you got me – literally! 🙂
Everything on this list describes me. Yep, I’m a mid-March baby. The only thing I’ll say is that I don’t think of myself as lazy, though I’ll admit to being a procrastinator and others may see that as being lazy. Just my own point of view as I look out through my faded denim Piscean eyes. 😀
The one thing I’d add to this list is that we tend to be very spiritual, also. But that could be a good or bad thing, depending on which way the individual Piscean leans.
Thanks Bunches for doing this series. I’ve already found it useful in developing characters for my stories who ring true.
Hope you have a Wonderful New Year filled with MANY Blessings!! 🙂
Ah, it’s good to hear a Pisces say this rings true! With some of the negative qualities, I think probably not everyone with the personality profile has them. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, Robin! Hope you have an amazing 2016!
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Ron Weasley! Born March 1st!