Happy Birthday to My Blog! bryndonovan.com "tell your stories - love your life"

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I just realized today that 1 year ago yesterday, I published my first blog post!

I had, of course, zero readers. I didn’t know a lot about how to blog, and I wasn’t sure what this was going to be about. The only thing I knew is that I wanted it to have some useful content, so I (somewhat randomly) posted a list I had made for myself of good Regency-era names. (Little did I know that my lists for writers would get popular, and that I would wind up making a whole book of them!)

When you start a blog, you feel like nobody is reading, because they aren’t. It seems to take forever for anyone to care. I think with blogging, the key is just keeping at it and being consistent. Looking back, I realize that my blog has come a long way for only a year.

I average 4,000 pageviews a day. Even more gratifying, the smartest, nicest, most creative people follow along and contribute fun and insightful comments. It means so much to me, I can’t even tell you.

I’ve also used the blog as a way to explore my own thoughts about how to live life and stay positive, and that’s been such a great thing for me. With these kinds of posts, I learn so much from what other people have to say.

For 2016, I have fun plans for the blog…

On the first Wednesday of every month, I’ll do “WIP Wednesday,” where you can share a passage from what you’re working on. (I’ve done these before, but not every month.)

Through my newsletter, I’m going to do occasional giveaways of coffee, tea, and fresh copies of paranormal romance books I’ve read and enjoyed. I’ve started doing giveaways through the newsletter and not the blog because here, it’s impossible to track down the winners!

I may also do more pieces about obscure history and knowledge, because I like that kind of thing. 🙂

If there are other things you’d like to see on the blog, let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much

for reading and chatting! And if you prefer to read and not talk, that is great, too – I really appreciate your stopping by!


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