I will admit that of all the zodiac signs, Libra is the hardest one for me to pin down. But if I’m understanding the classic Libra personality type correctly, Libras themselves can be hard to pin down, because they go back and forth on decisions and often want to get along with everyone.
Let’s take a look at Libra characteristics! (And remember, I don’t necessarily believe in astrology — this is just for character development for writers.)
Here are some positive traits of a Libra:
good taste
And here are some not-so-positive traits:
unable to say no
As a friend…
A Libra is a great friend. He likes to get together, he talks and listens in equal measure, and he knows how to throw an elegant party. If you’re having a conflict with a mutual acquaintance, though, he may try to mediate rather than taking your side — which can be frustrating if you’re sure the other person is in the wrong.
As a lover…
A romantic Libra seeks her soul mate, and she may fall in love with the wrong person several times before finding him or her. In a relationship, she’ll do her best to get along and avoid stupid fights. She may love frivolous romantic gifts such as roses, chocolate, and champagne — the highest quality, please.
As a parent…
A Libra parent is loving and sentimental. She doesn’t get upset about small issues, and she may spoil her kids a little with extravagant or unecessary gifts. She wants to teach her children about fairness, but she also values harmony in her own home, which may lead to an inconsistent approach to discipline.
As a villain…
A Libra antagonist may mistakenly believe he’s bringing about a fair or peaceful long-term solution, when he’s actually just being a traitor. He may be duped into collaborating with an evil mastermind.
Here are a few examples of just, charming, and maybe somewhat naive Libra characters.
Anna, Frozen
Castiel, Supernatural
Deanna Troi, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Legolas, Lord of the Rings
I want to say Superman, especially since Libra is an air sign, although Superman’s lack of flaws makes him difficult to categorize. (He is probably more flawed in Man of Steel, but I didn’t see it.)
If you have any thoughts on Libra types, let me know in the comments. Happy writing!
ETA: Bookmark this post for links to every post in the series!
As a Libra I can say that for the most part i try to keep the peace. i bend over backwards to make everyone happy. Kindness is king.
Unfairness makes me angry. I avoid negative people. I love my family and friends and show it in many ways. But I will say this…..use me, cross me, throw me under the bus and you will see an ugly side you never would have expected.
Libra mostly lives on the light side but there is a hidden darkness.
Oooh… this is really good insight, Robin. 🙂 Thank you! And thanks for reading!
I am a Libra as well. The “as a friend” description is pretty accurate. The “as a lover” one not so much… I’m not sure why Libras are seen as frivolous… most of us aren’t. We absolutely love the attention, but we prefer gifts that show some thought than expensive stuff that can be bought at any store 😉
Also, I agree with Robin: unfairness makes me furious. I just can’t stand it. And yes, if you use me or betray me you will see a very ugly and dark side you would have never expected!
Hi Chiara! Love hearing from a Libra about this character type, especially since this was the hardest astrology sign for me to get a clear idea of. Thanks so much for commenting!
I am on the cusp…Libra/Scorpio. Many years ago a good friend drew up/wrote my horoscope. It was so technical I could hardly understand it. But through the years he has pointed out what are Libra traits and, maddeningly, the Scorpion traits. (I’ve never had all that good opinions of Scorpios.)
So, I definitely have Libra traits…fairness, equality, artistic, yes on the soul mate, naivety, don’t like confrontations. So forth and so on.
But, I too have a dark side and I can sting like a scorpion before you know it. Pure reaction. Passionate and sensual, intense, loyal. Drawn to intelligent and honest partners, a good and faithful friend.
Of course, some of these traits overlap. As one who identified herself as a Libra for half my life, I found my actions confusing and hard to accept as part of my personality. But as my friend explained the reason for some of my action and reactions I began to claim them as mine.
So, there you go. A little bit of conflict into the mix. ?
As a side note, 1st husband, 2nd husband, my daughter and myself all have the 22nd as the date of birth, just different months. All on a cusp. Never figured out what significance that holds, if any.
I am a libra and i try to be peaceful. Everyone sais we are fair and kind but I have a different experience. I love to be withe the people i chose into my life, but have a hard time accepting others. In my eyes, a lot of the people I meet are ignorant and want no part into something artistic, ar even on a discussion. They only like small talk and problem-talk. That is actually something I hate, because I expect something more. So when the people I love, get along and start bonding with that kond of people, i get anxious and a little bit of a villain, trying to protect them, yet making them feel lonely in the end. Even though I’m a good friend, I have a lot way to go to stop shielding those close to me. And as a lover, I am artistic, warm, passionate, but the moment I get angry, they have to confront a wall of ice. We libras are easy to comprehend on our good side, but when we turn dark, we need help, thats for sure.
I’m an aries, my daughter is a libra, she drives me crazy. She smart, pretty, and dumb, all at the same time. One minute she so happy the other she’s crying on someone’s shoulders, she says she’s grown and a survivor, but calls me for help. Gees, how is that being grown, she can clean if she wants to cook anything, write, but she’d rather travel the states and rough it , she’s like vc Andrews books, she loves to read, what gives with Libras, there the ocean waves beating on the shore, and rolling back out, they will drive you crazy.
I am a Libra as well. I will say this in all honesty. We manipulate in a somewhat passive aggressive manner. While that may sound negative, for me it is not. All my life, I have been known as one who gets more done than anyone else but on the outside it doesn’t seem that way. For example, I recently was sent in to close a school. For the first time ever, no complaint was made to the Superintendent. I was called in and asked “What did you do?” I said, “Simple, I made everyone feel like they were part of the decision.” That is Libra. No one sees it coming. We are Cardinal Air. No one sees us moving, but we do move. If you need a charming person who can bring about a change, then hire a Libra.
Hi, I am a libra. I have to say in my opinion most of it is accurate. I just want to add one thing.
I am a caring and loyal partner but I can’t find my self to be faithful.
I love the attention and I am very flirtatious.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t throw myself just at anyone but I do find myself in a pickle at times.
My kindness and smile gets easily confused and one might think I am hitting on them. It doesn’t help that I can’t say no at times and it gets me into trouble.
I don’t mean to be this way but I try to please the whole world. It confuses the people around me and they can’t keep up with my emotions.
I have a good and bad side.
As the Libra that I am, I care too much about my Image and what others might think of me.
Everyone sees the “good” but not all see the “bad”.
I can easily guide others but I can’t help myself at times. Everyone comes to me for their troubles not knowing about my Demons inside.
I am a Libra as well, a real mixture, above all I do not like bad luck against me but within reason, ‘wipe the floor’ for anyone. I enjoy the arts but can be lazy about getting on with my projects and have something of a butterfly mind. Yes I will help others but find it difficult to be practical and help myself. Secretly I hope I am never sent to a mythical desert island