Hi, y’all! This is the sixth post in my series about using the personality types in astrology to create characters. Even if you like to do character worksheets or other methods of character development, this is a fun place to start. Let’s take a look at the classic Virgo profile!
Here are some positive traits of a Virgo.
And here are some not-so-positive traits:
fragile ego
easily stressed
As a coworker…
It’s great to have a Virgo on the team. She can solve intricate problems, she never misses a deadline, and she has the neatest work station in the department. If a work process is inefficient, she makes brilliant suggestions for streamlining it. However, she may not be tolerant of other people’s irrational quirks or unusual approaches to the job at hand. She might nag you for leaving your dirty coffee mug in the sink, but hey — she’s right.
As a lover…
A Virgo won’t fall head-over-heels right away. His aversion to messiness may very well extend to matters of the heart, making him slow to commit. He appreciates intelligence and needs to be with someone who respects his preference for routines. Once he’s yours, he’s very loyal.
Some people have the idea that the typical Virgo hates sex. This doesn’t sound right to me. I’m guessing he remembers all the little things you like, and in the bedroom, he’s extremely thorough.
As a parent…
A Virgo parent sets up efficient routines to get the kids everywhere they need to be, get them to do everything they need to do, and keep the home in order. He takes a particular interest in his children’s health and nutrition, bordering on the excessive. He may be over-critical of their cleanliness, their schoolwork, or their habit of misplacing things. However, his kids feel secure because they always know what to expect.
As a villain…
A Virgo adversary may offer nonstop criticism. A flat-out evil Virgo may believe that she is cleaning up some kind of mess in society. She may want to simply eliminate people who don’t follow rules or routines. Because she’s intelligent and detail-oriented, she’s difficult to outwit, but if you catch her off-guard, she’s not the best at improvising.
In American TV shows and movies, the Virgo-like character is too often treated as a pain the ass who needs to learn how to relax. This seems a bit one-sided. In real life, Virgos can also inspire others to get their act together and set higher standards for themselves. I say this as someone who is nowhere near being a Virgo!
Here are some pop culture examples of the analytical, intelligent, and perhaps a bit critical Virgo personality.
Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter series.
Simon Tam, Firefly.
Monica Geller, Friends.
Dana Scully, The X-Files.
Probably Spock? What do you think?
If you have any thoughts about Virgos, let me know in the comments! Happy writing!
ETA: Bookmark this post for links to every post in the series!
Yes, Simon strikes me as a Virgo.
One aspect of their organized nature, I’ve been told, is that it comes in bursts. Cleaning binges may occur. But in between, they may be more relaxed. Somewhat.
Anyway, this is timely because Virgo was highlighted by the solar eclipse this month. We could all find our Virgo nature surfacing in the coming 5 months. 🙂
You should be writing this series. 😀 That is really interesting! I had no idea. I could use more Virgo in my nature, that’s for sure.
No, I shouldn’t! I’m really not good at blogging. It’s much easier to comment on other people’s blogs, whenever I feel like it, than to commit to a series and consistently write it well.
I agree with Spock, he’s all serious yet fusses a lot on the inside. He could also be a Cappy, but more likely Virgo!
Hmm yeah, I could see Capricorn, too! 🙂
I think Bruce Wayne/ Batman can be a Virgo too.
Let me explain:
Virgo are famous for being control freaks, for being organized, concentrated to what they do, perfectionnist, neutral, cold and mysterious, they have see as people with no fantasy because they are
aware of their responsabilities and they are devoted to their work, they are hard-workers. It sounds like Batman.
Bruce Wayne is way too cold and analytical to be have a water or fire sign. Batman DON’T kill people. He has a work ethic and can leave emotion out of his work, both things are did great with a Virgo person.
His fighting methodes are economicale, precise and calculated, that is very Virgo. His approach to work is TOTALLY Virgo-like. His issues with womens are Virgo-like. Bruce Wayne is single, Virgos are famous for being isolated and for have difficulties for find someone to their vision.
What else do you need ? Bruce Wayne is the eternal bachelor, just the way Virgo mens are known in astrology.
Batman’s anger comes from a hunger for JUSTICE not for something like vengeance or power, he don’t sting. He could sting and explode but he don’t because he have a reason ! his anger is reflected and measured. It’s not a explosion of emotions.
That is one of the reasons who proove he got an earth sign to me. Batman is all about control and symbol and not about power.
People send Batman like a mystic character when he’s all about gadgets and technology, some of his ennemies are mystic but Batman himself is more of a strategist (it’s Virgo-like). If one hero believes more in science than in magic it would be Batman for SURE, he’s so down to earth.
Batman is not a witcher, he’s a scientific, a detective in the soul.
And for finish: Virgo are represented as a human with angelic (symbol of the good/protection/security) wings. Batman is a human disguised as a animal with wings too. Just like Virgos Batman represents half a human and half a bird. Behind his symbol, he’s a loyal protector
PS: sorry if I make mistakes in English ! it’s not my native language !