This isn’t my clever idea — it is author Kelley Lenhart’s, and I borrowed it with her kind permission because I thought it was so much fun!
The idea here is that you come up with an alternate title for your book as though it were a clickbait headline for an article on the internet instead. You know those headlines. I think Upworthy may have pioneered them, but lots of people use them. They’re like:
This Guy Got Kicked Out Of The Gym. His Response Is Brilliant.
What Happens When a Cat Meets an Iguana? You Won’t Believe It!
This Is No Ordinary Dance Recital… At :41, My Jaw Drops.
Here’s one that fits my story.
He Was Going to Kill Her For Being An Evil Witch… What Happened Next Will Melt Your Heart.
What clickbait headline would you give your WIP? Let me know in the comments! And feel free to link to your blog, if you have one!
I would definitely click on your headline! Here’s mine:
She Was Born Into Communism. What She Did Will Blow You Away!
That made me laugh out loud! Nicely done 😀
Hah, thanks. 🙂
She Returned to Her Alma Mater to Disprove Campus Ghost Stories.
Then Chapter 6 Left My Head Spinning!
Aww nice! Hmm, I kind of wish we could call out plot twists like that…
Evil witches – sold! Mine: Fairies run amuck in bayou. Save yourselves!
That is so succinct but so curiosity-arousing!
Unfolding political scandal! Cross-dressing Princess joins secret police in coup attempt!
It’s kind of scary how much click bait wording can warp perception of a story! (Real news or fiction!)
That story was made for a click bait headline!
This woman takes photos for a living. The third one will leave you breathless!
Oooh! I really do want to know!
That’s a good way of doing it actually. Maybe that’s a way to draw people in for those of us who aren’t so confident in coming up with catchy titles.
Sam, I was kind of thinking that too, after I posted…that there might something to it. 🙂
Lamia publishes first cookbook! Hide your children!
36 Glyphs Only Invading Aliens Will Understand!
Invading alien reader 1: Hahaha #17 is so true!
Invading alien reader 2: #17 is bullshit. I’m offended.
There are actually 42 glyphs, so obviously the author of this novel is an idiot who didn’t do his research.
Female airship Captain uses fire to seal gate between life and death. See where her crew is now!
…damn, that’s a great hook.
“A bestselling fantasy author didn’t believe in magic. Until he saw THIS!”
The link to this post showed up under the most current WIP Wednesday. I just couldn’t resist.
My clickbait titles for my Ambrose and Elsie story are (in no particular order):
He fell in love with HER??!
Ambrose Smith and Elsie Vansing fell in love three years ago. Where are they today?
When you see who Elsie Vansing is currently dating, you are going to scream.
This story is going to hurt your heart. Click here if you dare.
This story will reaffirm your faith in humanity. Click here for all the love.
This story will make you rethink your life. Click here for mind altering fun.
A vampire and a vampire hunter fell in love. How do they make it work out? Click here for more details.
When you see what Ambrose Smith looks like today, you will be shocked!
What Ambrose Smith did will leave you shocked and appalled!
Drama. So much drama. Find out who did what, when, where, and why on Page 369.