Hey friends! I created this list of dialogue prompts mostly with novelists and short story writers in mind, but they would also be helpful for script writing, for creative writing teachers, and even for improv coaches. I’ve tried to include both funny dialogue prompts, more serious ones, and some that are really open-ended.
No matter what you’re working on, the way you use these writing prompts is basically the same: you pick a line of dialogue and you write a conversation or a scene that includes it. Most of these are geared toward contemporary fiction and screenwriting, but I’ve thrown in a few that go more in the direction of other fiction genres.
Depending on your project, you might also want to check out my lists of romance plot ideas and fantasy story ideas.
It took a long time to come up with these dialogue writing prompts, but it was also pretty fun. If one of them winds up in your finished work, that’s just fine with me. Pin or bookmark it for future use!
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“Ma’am, is this your dog?”
“No, it’s really not that complicated. He’s a bad person.”
“Hey… what’s wrong with your face?”
“The king is missing.”
“Ah yes, come in. Close the door behind you.”
“How could you do this to me?”
“Um, sorry. That one’s not for sale.”
“You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.”
“Ain’t nobody ever told you who your real daddy is?”
“I know this may be hard to believe, but I’m on your side.”
“Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before.”
“Just sit around and cry, then. I don’t have that luxury.”
“I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“That’s the nice thing about telling the truth. You don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.”
“Of course we’re best friends. No one else would put up with our shenanigans.”
“That’s the least of your worries.”
“You look a lot different from your profile picture.”
“Do you trust me?”
“You found it on the beach? You know, when most people take a walk on the beach, they pick up seashells.”
“Sir. This is for children only.”
“I haven’t tried this on a human yet, but it should be very similar.”
“What? I meant it as a compliment.”
“Who put this in my coat pocket?”
“I can’t do this any more.”
“You think you’re so good-looking, but deep down, you’re the kind of ugly that PhotoShop can’t fix.”
“I know you did your best, but it just wasn’t enough.”
“Even if I could stop it, I wouldn’t.”
“You have got to see this.”
“Guess who made the evening news?”
“I don’t really think of myself as a thief…”
“Are you just going to keep walking by my house or are you going to come in?”
“We do things a little differently in the 21st century.”
“Please return to your assigned seat.”
“Dude. It’s 3 in the morning.”
“I can’t believe I used to think he was attractive.”
“Actually, you are speaking to the manager.”
“Where are your clothes?”
“Well, this contest isn’t going to rig itself.”
“Hi, I’m calling about your ad?”
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”
“I should have told you this a long time ago.”
“I am only telling the truth when I say that you have not behaved completely as a gentleman in this matter.”
“I thought we were friends!”
“That’s not a good look.”
“It’s a genetic trait, but it’s exceptionally rare.”
“I love you, but I don’t even think I know who you really are.”
“She’s evil, but she does have a point there.”
“I didn’t know you could talk.”
“Sweetie, what were you thinking?”
“What makes you think it was an accident?”
“Sorry. You’re the first person I’ve spoken to in ten years.”
“I don’t suppose you’ve got a blowtorch around here?”
“I know you’re here. You may as well show yourself.”
“Get a job!”
“This isn’t going to be a typical best man speech.”
“According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars.”
“We thought at first that it was part of the performance.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen y’all in church.”
“I would break his thumbs right now if I could.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“That’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to have a baby.”
“I didn’t even recognize you!”
“Is it worth breaking your vows over?”
“I told you not to read that.”
“Put the turkey down.”
“I didn’t ask to be abducted.”
“That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Where did you learn how to do that?”
“Are you banned from all Taco Bells, or just that Taco Bell?”
“I thought you had him!”
“Humility is not one of my many virtues.”
“How can you stand living here?”
“She’s young, fertile, and from a good family. What more do you need to know?”
“Sometimes being a total geek pays off.”
“You don’t have the correct paperwork.”
“Careful not to break the—oh.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything, but yeah.”
“I’d love to help, but I want to keep all of my money in case I want to spend it on other things.”
“Well aren’t you the cutest little thing?”
“Why is that your password?”
“Please don’t use sarcasm. It confuses me.”
“After we lost you, things just weren’t the same.”
“If you were logical you would’ve killed me already.”
“Well, that could’ve gone better.”
“Sometimes I feel like she’s still at my side.”
“We’ve been waiting two hours.”
“Your services are no longer required.”
“I feel like we’ve met before…”
“Does he hit you?”
“Yes, it’s a questionable line of work, but I’m good at it.”
“She’s in the building.”
“Wow! It’s an honor to meet you.”
“You were in a crash. Can you tell me your name?”
“This used to be a great country, but people like you are destroying it.”
“I’m cured. I swear.”
“My chances of living to a ripe old age are unfortunately excellent.”
“Let’s face it, you don’t exactly blend in.”
“Forgive me if I’m misreading things, but do you want to make out?”
“The next time you shoot a guy, don’t do it on national television.”
“We’ll need to take a blood sample to be sure.”
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I hope you liked this post! If you don’t want to miss any posts like this for writers, follow the blog if you aren’t already doing so — there’s a place you can sign up below.
Please also check out my big book of writing prompts. Whether you’re starting a new story or trying to figure out where a story goes next, it can give you fresh inspiration.
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Thanks for stopping by, and happy writing!
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Hi Bryn,
I’ve finally discovered where you hide your Sumome plugin!
May I suggest you relocate it to the left side of your posts so it’s more visible for folks like me to find and share your great posts
Chris 😀
Chris! Thanks for the feedback — I really appreciate any advice from a master blogger like you. 🙂 I only added it because you suggested it, but I kinda don’t understand it. 😀 I’ll look into this!
Hi again Bryn – I just noticed I’d got my email address wrong in the last comment 😀
These are fantastic! You had me at “dog”. Thank you for your blog. It’s gives me motivation to continue writing when nothing else appeals to my writer- brain.
Aww Delilah, that is so nice of you to say! I’m glad you like them. (The “dog” one was my favorite. 😀 )
I am so totally stealing 21, 47 and 69!
I love these. 🙂
Hahaha. Thank you Paige!
Yeah! This is awesome!! Thanks for posting!
Thanks Jennifer, so glad you like them! Thanks for reading 🙂
OMG!! #25 had me laughing so hard I think I peed myself just a little. ROFLOL
Aside from that, I may be stealing a few (only a dozen or 3) of these, but may need to change a word or two here and there to make them fit whatever story they go into. These are Priceless!! 🙂
Haha, thanks Robin! Yes, please steal away, that’s what they are here for! (So, not actually stealing!) 😀
Another list, Bryn. Thank you!
second try – that should have read ‘Another really useful list, Bryn. Thank you!’
the first comment just stated the obvious 🙂
I knew what you meant actually! 😀
Thanks, Bryn for the great prompts. 🙂 — Suzanne
Glad you like them Suzanne! 🙂
If I said #81 to my girlfriend, she’d respond with #22. And then I’d say #47 to myself. 😀
Hahahaha! I love this! Thanks for the laugh, Robert 🙂
These prompts are great. Unusually excellent. Thank you!
I don’t know about this maybe I’ll be sued for copyright but I really love that dialogue from Game of thrones “You know nothing Jon Snow”.
Thank you so much for these. You saved a struggling script writer! SO excited to start writing now