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It’s in my book MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More. If you’re interested, take a look!
Happy writing!
Reblogged this on AUTHOR JENNIFER LOISKE and commented:
Those of you who really know me, knows that I’m a word nerd…so I’m both reblogging this for other word nerds and me 🙂
Fellow word nerds unite! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing!
Awesome!! Very useful list indeed.
Thanks! Glad you think so 🙂
Reblogged this on Luke & Bella and commented:
This is a great resource. I’ll have to check it as I edit and revise. 🙂
Reblogged this on From the Depths of my Mind and commented:
Another awesome resource for romance/erotic writers. Awesome list of words to use within your love scenes.
Reblogged on “The Depths of my Mind”. I’m a romance writer and find this so incredibly helpful much like your other lists. Thank you for the resource.
Reblogged this on Writer's Zen Blog and commented:
Lots of good words to sift through for your romance writing!
hello..this is really helpful and every single word made me smile.
Aw thank you… so glad you liked it 🙂
I’m thinking…. as a writing exercise – albeit a bit of an undertaking, but possibly worth it in the long run – to go through this list and try to come up with a sentence using each word. Thanks for posting!
I’m so sorry I somehow missed your comment before… but I wanted to say that now I’m thinking I should do the same! 😀
Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
Don’t ever say Bryn doesn’t give you any information 😀
Reblogged this on Novels by Jennifer Hinsman.
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A great list with new windows opened for many. ?
Oh thank you so much!
So welcome. I love your ‘Lists!’ Genius! ?
Love the list. I’m a word collector and you have some great ones there for any genre 🙂 🙂
Thank you, so glad you like it!
Reblogged this on Kim's Author Support Blog.
Thank you pinned for later use, excellent. ?
Thanks! Hope it’s helpful!
Marvelous. Thank you. Another great list! 😀
Thank you for this thorough and helpful list. 🙂 — Suzanne Joshi
Reblogged this on theowlladyblog.
You are like my own personal Holy Grail! I bought your book last night and have been working through it and your posts here and I have learned so much already. Thank you!
Katy! So glad to be able to help. Thanks for getting the book, and thanks for the kind words! 🙂
This really helped. I always try to find ways to have a love scene in my books without being too dirty and try to make it sensual how the scenes should be.
Oh this list has turned me on.
I’m not a writer but I love words. Thanks for posting this.
Hahaha! Glad you enjoyed it, Kunal!
What? You didn’t include “hitched” as in “her breath hitched.” I wanted to throw a thesaurus at e.l.james every time she used that in 50 Shades of Gray.
Your list is great; wish she had used it.
I really needed this! Young writers like me don’t really have that kind of experience so these words helped me describe something unknown to me. Thanks!
Hi Bree! I’m so glad it was helpful. Good luck with your writing!
LOVED THIS! Very useful! It’s difficult enough to write erotic scenes. Good words make it far easier. Thanks for posting!
Oh, thanks, Elicia! In the next week or two I am going to blog more about writing erotic scenes… I know it’s something a lot of people struggle with… so follow the blog if you don’t want to miss it (there’s a place you can sign up on the lefthand side of the page.) Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to comment!
I have found your site on pinterest and I’m in the middle of writing my debut romance book. This blog is a huge inspiration for me and helps me to get through by many difficulties. This list literally saved my life today. I just have to to translate it for my language, but still 🙂
I will looking in here for more!
P.S. Sorry for my english, I’m from Poland and I don’t have many opportunities to speak or write in this language 🙂
Hi Anna! Your English is really good! And I don’t speak any Polish, so you’re way ahead of me. 🙂 I’m so glad you like the website — thanks so much for the kind words!
Bryn, thanks for braving the blush and putting this together. Romantic scenes were the hardest part for me. I feel like I had to come up with a different way every time for maybe a handful of scenes in the 500+ pages of my novel. I didn’t think I was so vanilla!
“Braving the blush” — you obviously have a great way with words, Sara, so love scenes should be no problem! 🙂 I think writing them is like anything else — it gets easier with practice. And by the way, congratulations on your substantial novel!
thanks so much, I’m writing a article about lovers just now, and I need more words to get inspiration
Thank you SO MUCH for this list!! I always have the worst time deciding what words to use when writing and I’m sure this will help me a lot!!
I am a writer and I use this list so often. Thank You so much
I write role-plays at a website which doesn’t shy away from adult content. This list has been invaluable. Thank you!
I have looked at NANO but only can do about five words a minute!! At that rate I do about 50K words a year not a month.
Thank you for the marvelous suggestions. Looking quickly at the list I use a lot of them but I expect they will come in handy.
Do you have a list for facial expressions and body language? I have ADHD and have a lot of trouble reading body language.
Found it thanks It took a little sleuthing but I usually ask first then look
Bad habit of us Dislexer’s
I’ve taken on my first romance novel and a friend of mine who does major reviews on Goodreads and Amazon sent me this link. I owe her big time! Finding the right word can be so difficult for these scenes. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And, I agree. I need a cigarette… LOL
This is incredibly helpful! Could possibly edit the post to show the list in several columns as opposed to just one long one? I think it would make it a little bit easier to read. Thanks again!
Great list. Thank you.
I’m unhappy this got removed. I can’t afford your book, so I save every post on Pinterest I can find. I write romantic fanfiction and really need these posts.
What kinda policy made you remove it?
I’m happy to support your effort Bryn! I’ll purchase a copy… ;0)
😀 Aww, thanks, Marishka!
I’m sad because i’m not able to read this nut thanful for all of your tips and advices. Thank you so much, Ms. Bryn! ^_^
I am very thankful for Bryn for making my writing easier
I am certain that with these tips I have gotten here, my writing will push to a greater distance